Today, people spend thousands of dollars enhancing their bodies, but do nothing to improve the quality of their thoughts. The truth is, we can accomplish far more by managing brainwave activity and mentally rehearsing the positive lifestyle we all want. Best of all, BrainTap is effortless and provides the following brain wellness benefits:
– Uses deep relaxation stimulates the production of natural stress-relieving neurotransmitters
– Helps change unwanted behaviors and habits
– Inspires both focus and creativity
– Promotes relaxation, which contributes to maintaining healthy sleep
– Increased blood flow to the brain unlocks clearer thinking
– Reduces cycles of negative self talk
– Enhances motivation and performance
Brain Tap incorporates powerful mind technologies to create harmonious blend of light, sound, and vibration. This technology trains your brain to function with optimal energy, focus, and confidence – stimulating beta, alpha, delta, and gamma brainwaves.
Light Frequencies
Light pulses train the brain to produce a healthy balance of brain wave activity, transforming the listener into a mental powerhouse with the right mindset to accomplish just about any goal.
Trigger points in the ears, called meridians, are known to directly affect the body’s organs and systems. These are typically activated using acupuncture needles, but light frequencies are known to have the same effect. In fact, low-level electrical or light therapy has been shown to increase the “relaxation response” of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Beats and Tones
Embedded tones emulate relaxed brain waves, guiding the brain to an extraordinary level of focus and performance that would otherwise take years of practice to achieve.
10-Cycle Holographic Music
The music is designed to create a complete 360-degree experience that stimulates the mind with calming thoughts and images.
Guided Visualization
Guided audio sessions help you become the architect of your own life. A selection of over 1,800 titles have been specifically designed to work with your Brain Tap system.